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Campus Rabbi

The Campus Rabbi's office is responsible for a wide range of activities involving spiritual and religious life on campus. It holds a variety of spiritual activities for students, employees and the general public.


רב הקמפוס

Campus Rabbi Shlomo Shefer

Shabbat & Holidays

During the school year the Campus Rabbi’s office holds a monthly Shabbat event exploring a specific aspect of the Jewish experience. These events include guest lectures, prayers and Shabbat dinners. Many students take part in those events, cultivating a familial and vibrant social experience for all. 

Additionally, weekly Shabbat prayers take place in the main Schull at the Ludwig and Erica Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies. Following Shabbat morning’s davining, the Rabbi holds a Kiddush, followed by a riveting lesson of the week’s Torah portion.

Numerous spiritual activities are also held around the high holidays, such as special prayer sessions for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, candle lighting ceremonies for Hannukah, reading of the Megilah in Purim, baking Matzos for Passover, etc.  The most notable of these events is the Limmud night at Hoshana Rabbah, attended by over 3,000 young men and women. The events include numerous lessons, culminating in a concert of prayers and spiritual songs. 




Torah Lessons

On weekdays, in between and after school hours, the Rabbi’s office holds Limmud Torah sessions in different frameworks, attended by hundreds. Some take place in on-campus cafes, in Beit Midrash, and in Midrasha for women. 

שיעורי תורה


Welcoming Shabbat 

Every Thursday afternoon the Student Union and the Rabbi’s office hold a Kabalat Shabbat event on the campus’ main lawn, with music and a word from the Rabbi about the week’s Parasha. All attendants also enjoy a hot plate of homemade Cholent.  



On-Campus Marriage Registration 

The Campus Rabbi’s office is now providing an on campus marriage registration service. The actual registration is by the Ramat Gan Rabbinate but the entire process is conveniently done in the Rabbi’s office.


Weekly Torah & Science Newsletter

Every week BIU’s Faculty of Jewish Studies, along with the School of Basic Jewish Studies and the Campus Rabbi distributes a printed newsletter, including thoughts and articles by BIU researchers, uniquely incorporating the principle of Torah and Science.  




For more information contact the Campus Rabbi’s office:


[email protected]

רב הקמפוס