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About Bar-Ilan

למה בר אילן

Bar-Ilan University, founded in 1955, is one of Israel's leading institutions of higher education, uniquely combining cutting-ege scientific research with education steeped in Jewish values and social responsibility.  From 70 students to close to 19,000, its milestone achievements in the sciences and humanities and all fields of human endeavor have made an indelible imprint on the landscape of the State of Israel.  The university has 8 faculties: Jewish Studies, Medicine, Engineering, Law, Life Science, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.  These faculties are active partners in Israel's national science and technology initiatives.


Seeking “Impact beyond Excellence”, BIU is in a vibrant transformational period of creating challenge-driven research centers which embrace practical research designed to change and improve the human experience; adopting innovative instructional methods; intensifying global outreach; and broadening its discourse and dialogue throughout the Jewish world and Israel.

A microcosm of Israeli society, BIU's diverse student body includes both secular and religious; Jews and non-Jews; as well as new immigrants and international visitors. Included within the BIU family, as well, are a multi-faceted academic faculty and administrative staff. Their confluence represents a mosaic of the State of Israel, providing a unique atmosphere for open exchange of ideas and embracement of the "other." Diversity is key on the BIU campus, and tolerance and civility our operating code.

למה בר אילן

At Bar-Ilan our students learn to assume social responsibility and address challenges facing Israel and the Jewish world. They are provided with an opportunity to learn about Jewish heritage, both formally,  though our unique core  program of basic Jewish studies which enables students to take academic level courses in Bible, Talmud, Jewish philosophy and Jewish history, and informally, through enriching Jewish experiences available on campus. The Ludwig and Erica Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies affords BIU students with the opportunity to combine intense, high-level Torah scholarship with their diverse academic training.

Serving as a bridge between Israel's diverse sectors, Bar-Ilan University, with its multicultural campus environment, provides a singular forum for free thought and open discussion.

למה בר אילן

It is the ability to fuse a reverence for Jewish legacy and heritage with the rigors of academic study which makes Bar-Ilan University like no other.

Facts & Figures

  • Academic Degree Students: 18,500
  • Non-Degree Students (enrichment, certificate & continuing education programs):  4,000
  • International Students:  900
  • Alumni: 130,000
  • Senior Academic Faculty Members: 700
  • Faculties: 8
  • Departments: 42
  • BA Programs: 89
  • Advanced Degree Programs: 109
  • Academic Courses: 8,000
  • Libraries: 29  holding more than 1,000,000 titles
  • International Academic & Research Cooperation Agreements: 105
  • Active Grants: 825
  • Research Centers & Institutes: 55
  • Endowed Chairs: 60
  • Clinics servicing the general public: 15
  • Buildings: 80
  • Laboratories: 300